2010 IIE Hong Kong Expo
The “Year-Round Admissions” Expo will help U.S. colleges raise their profiles in Hong Kong and Macau just as all-important exam results are released this summer. We will promote it in our regular emails to students, parents and educators, in print media advertisements and also at our summer seminars aimed at F5 and F7 exam-takers and school-leavers.
Any accredited U.S. college or university with rolling admissions may take part. With the literature-only format, each institution sends 150 sets of program materials for information and marketing purposes during the opening seminar and for Expo display. No representation is necessary.
Our EducationUSA center will host a series of seminars throughout summer 2010 aimed at Hong Kong’s 150,000-plus secondary school exam-takers and school leavers. If you are a representative of an accredited U.S. institution with rolling admissions and would like to be a guest speaker at a summer rolling admissions seminar, please contact EducationUSA advisor Yonnie Ho directly at yho@iiehongkong.org.
For questions, please contact Hilary Tsui at htsui@iiehongkong.org