2011 G8 G20 Civil Society International Education Meeting
With the number of students studying abroad continuing to grow, the impact of international mobility on national economies, government policies and international affairs is ever greater. Within this context, key decision-makers and stakeholders from the national organizations in charge of incoming academic mobility and student exchange from the top eight destination countries for international students – Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States – and representatives from India, a top sending country of internationally mobile students, explored the key policy challenges facing international education and discussed the issues that drive national policies and impact global academic mobility.
The inaugural session of this international education meeting, Raising the profile of international higher education at the G8/G20, took place in Paris on May 9 and 10, 2011. Organized by Campus France and IIE, the event acted as a platform for top-level representatives from the leading host countries of international students to meet and exchange experience and expertise. The location of these meetings will rotate annually in line with G8/G20 summit meetings. Next year’s meeting will be hosted by the United States.
Raising the Profile of International Higher Education at the G8/G20
An international meeting within the framework of the G8/G20 program of civil society actions
Day 1
Welcome address:
Ms. Hélène Duchêne, Director of Mobility and Attractiveness Policy, Ministry of Foreign and
European Affairs, France
Session 1:
National priorities in the fields of promotion and internationalisation of higher education: recent developments and future trends
Chaired by Ms. Béatrice Khaiat, Deputy Director, CampusFrance, France
Presentations by the top eight destination countries of international students and India:
Australia: Ms. Di Wedell, Branch Manager – International Strategy, Australian Education International (AEI)
Canada: Ms. Leslie Scanlon, Minister-Councillor, Culture, Education and Youth, Director, Canadian Cultural Centre, Embassy of Canada in France
China: Mr. Xiaochun Yang, Director, Division of European Affairs, Ministry of Education
France: Ms. Béatrice Khaiat, Deputy Director, CampusFrance
Germany: Dr. Sebastian Fohrbeck, Director, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), New York
India: Prof. Pankaj Chande, President, Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
Japan: Ms. Michiko Suzuki, Executive Director of Student Exchange Department, Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
United Kingdom: Ms. Pat Killingley, Director Higher Education, British Council
United States: Dr. Allan E. Goodman, President and CEO, Institute of International Education (IIE)
Day 2
Welcome and Official Opening:
Mr. Alain Juppé, Ministre d’Etat, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, France
Ms. Valérie Pécresse, Minister of Higher Education and Research, France
Conclusions of the Global University Summit (28th-30th April and 5th-7th May 2011, France):
Mr. Claude Condé, President, Université de Franche-Comté, Member of the Commission on
International and European Relations, Conférence des Présidents d’université, France
Ms. Marie-Christine Lemardeley, President, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, Member
of the Commission on Funding and Human Resources and the Commission on Student Life
and Social Issues, Conférence des Présidents d’université, France
Session 2:
New strategies in internationalisation – policies for enhancing mobility in higher education and research
Chaired by Mr. Claude Condé and Ms. Marie-Christine Lemardeley
Presentations, questions and answers:
France: Promoting doctoral studies
Ms. Béatrice Khaiat, Deputy Director, CampusFrance
Germany: Increasing Outbound Student Mobility: The successful German Model
Dr. Nina Lemmens, Director of Internationalisation and Communication, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
United Kingdom: Partnerships for mobility
Ms. Pat Killingley, Director Higher Education, British Council
United States: Diversifying International Education
Dr. Beverly Tatum, President, Spelman College
Session 3:
New strategies in internationalisation – national measures and institutional actions
Chair: Ms. Hélène Duchêne
Presentations, questions and answers:
Australia: Internationalisation and quality assurance
Ms. Di Wedell, Branch Manager – International Strategy, Australian Education International (AEI)
Canada: Building bridges between universities through scholarships
Ms. Claire A. Poulin, Director of International Education and Youth, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
China: The Internationalization for China’s Education and National Policy for Students Mobility
Dr. Jiang Bo, Secretary General, China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE)
National Policy and Government Support for Student Mobility
Ms. Xinyu Yang, Deputy Secretary General, China ScholarshipCouncil (CSC)
India: Academic partnerships
Prof. Subhash Puri, Vice-President, Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
Japan: The role of JSPS and its international cooperation
Prof. Yoichi Nakatani, Director, Director of Research Emeritus, CNRS,Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Strasbourg Office
Conclusions and discussion on the 2012 meeting:
Mr. Christian Masset, Director General of Global Affairs, Development and Partnerships, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, France
Dr. Allan E. Goodman, President and CEO, Institute of International Education (IIE), United States