2015 Asia The Next Higher Ed Superpower Book Launch

March 26, 2017 April 28, 2015

On April 28, 2015, the Institute of International Education and the American Institute for Foreign Study Foundation celebrated the launch of Asia: The Next Higher Education Superpower?, the ninth volume in the Global Education Research Reports Series edited by Rajika Bhandari and Alessia Lefébure. The event included a panel discussion led by IIE’s Senior Counselor to the President, Peggy Blumenthal.

Panelists included:

  • Rajika Bhandari, Deputy Vice President for Research and Evaluation, IIE
  • Alessia Lefébure, Director of the Alliance and Adjunct Professor, Columbia University
  • Joanna Regulska, Vice President of International and Global Affairs, Rutgers University
  • Koichi Ai, Deputy Consul-General and Director of the Japan Information Center

About the book –
With the advent of a large middle class and new openness driven by economic imperatives, Asia appears to be shifting onto the world’s center stage. This book, edited by two leading experts in higher education, critically examines the local and global trends driving higher education policies in Asia and their impact on the local and regional knowledge economies. Featuring an impressive group of leading scholars, practitioners, and education policy experts these chapters look at how governments, universities, the private sector, and international organizations are responding to recent trends and meeting the diverse challenges and opportunities across the region. Read more about the book in University World News.

Book available for purchase