IIE at AIEA 2024

January 23, 2024 February 22, 2024 Washington, D.C.

IIE is looking forward to connecting with our colleagues at the 2024 AIEA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.! In addition to the more than 10 panels and sessions led by IIE experts this year, join us at the IIE spotlight session on Monday, February 19th, about the role of higher education in rebuilding nations post-conflict.

The IIE delegation to AIEA includes:

  • Jaclyn Assarian, Outreach and Recruitment, Fulbright Program
  • Julie Baer, Research Specialist, Open Doors
  • Julie Taylor, Sr Director of Academic Relations, Fulbright Program
  • Jamie Bellis, Senior Director, Operations and Special Initiatives
  • Lindsay Gee Calvert, Lead, IIENetwork, and Director, Center for International Opportunities
  • Jessica Clarkson, Program Specialist, Student Emergency Initiatives
  • Jason Czyz, Co-President
  • Athena Fulay, Assistant Director, Outreach and Recruitment, Fulbright Program
  • A. Sarah Ilchman, Co-President
  • Sylvia Jons, Lead, Higher Education Initiatives
  • Daniel Kramer, Director, Fulbright U.S. Student Program
  • Leah Mason, Deputy Director, Research, Evaluation and Learning
  • Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation and Learning
  • Clare Overmann, Head, Higher Education Initiatives, and Director, Center for International Partnerships
  • Courtney Temple, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer

IIE Sessions

Pre-conference Workshop: Developing an International Partnership Strategy
Sunday, February 18, 8:00am – 12:00pm EST

  • Sylvia Jons, Lead, IIE Initiatives and Manager of the IIE Center for International Partnerships
  • Tim Barnes, Executive Director of Partnerships & Research, University of Kentucky
  • Clare Overmann, Head, Higher Education Initiatives, and Director, Center for International Partnerships
  • Susan Buck Sutton, Fellow, IIE Center for International Partnerships; Executive Committee, National Academy for International Education

What are you doing? (Re)building campus internationalization in a post-pandemic world
Monday, February 19, 10:15 – 11:15am EST

Although the focus on campus internationalization and associated initiatives shifted considerably through the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains a key priority on U.S. campuses. This panel will explore three activities that contribute to campus internationalization – technology, global internships, and language and area studies. It will share how effective campus implementation can lead to impactful results for individual participants and the broader campus community, meeting campus internationalization goals.

  • Leah Mason, Deputy Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning, Institute of International Education
  • Veronica Onorevole, Director of Innovative Global Education Initiatives, American Association of Colleges & Universities
  • Linda Liu, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships, CIEE

Can we look at how we do things? COVID-19 Learnings for Universities and Organizations
Monday, February 19, 11:30am – 12:30pm EST

This session will discuss organizational learnings from COVID-19 and how organizations and universities can look internally at their processes to improve internationalization efforts. Rooted in findings from IIE’s new publication on its learnings from COVID-19, this panel will ask panelists to look internally at their own processes and learnings from the pandemic, rethinking internal structures and also the way outreach and recruitment, advising, and services are provided.

  • Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation & Learning, Institute of International Education
  • Sarah Ilchman, Co-President, Institute of International Education
  • Cheryl Matherly, Vice President and Vice Provost for International Affairs, Lehigh University

International Student Mobility from India: A Global Perspective
Monday, February 19, 11:30am 12:30pm EST

Despite the disruption of global mobility patterns over the past three years, a noticeable increase in the number of students from India studying abroad is now evident, with some projecting considerable growth in the coming years. Bringing together perspectives from international enrollment, student counseling, and research, this panel discusses emerging trends in Indian student mobility, the realities of international students from India, and their goals for international study.

  • Leah Mason, Deputy Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning, Institute of International Education
  • Jim McLaughlin, Assistant Vice President, IC3 Movement
  • Holly Singh, Assistant Vice President, International Student and Scholar Center, ASU

Creative Strategies and Funding to Build Successful International Initiatives
Monday, February 19, 2:00 3:00pm EST

This session explores creative strategies and funding to support new and existing international initiatives in a post-pandemic world. Using authentic case studies, panelists will discuss how to leverage home campus and community momentum to advance international goals with internal and external funding. Examples include creating faculty networks to support global engagement, fostering timely partnerships, and utilizing Fulbright to support capacity building. Attendees will consider how to strategically innovate initiatives on their home campuses.

  • Julie Taylor, Director of Academic Relations, Fulbright, IIE
  • Richard Carter, AVP Global Engagement, University of South Alabama
  • Jenny Wilkinson, Director of Student Recruitment & Business Development, London Metropolitan University
  • Amirah Nelson, Senior Outreach Officer, World Learning
  • Bri Ard, Executive Director Global Engagement, University of South Alabama

Spotlight Session: The Role of Higher Education in Rebuilding Nations Post-conflict
Monday, February 19, 3:15 4:15pm EST

When global conflicts arise, such as war, civil turmoil, economic crises, or natural disasters, immediate needs, such as food, water, and shelter, are understandably the first to come to mind. Governance, infrastructure, and the economy are also high on the list of priorities during a crisis and in its aftermath. However, higher education has a critical role to play in the rebuilding of nations, and, in many ways, should be seen as one of the foundational aspects of reconstruction efforts. This spotlight session will delve into the questions of what role(s) can and should higher education play in this space, what is our responsibility in the international higher education community, and what does this look like in the short-, medium-, and long-term support of a nation recovering from crisis? Various perspectives from organizations, institutions, and individuals will serve as a springboard for full group discussion.  

  • Jason Czyz (Moderator), Co-President, IIE

Developing a Survey of the International Partnership Landscape: What Should We Be Looking For
Monday, February 19, 4:30 5:30pm EST

A recent International Association of Universities survey revealed enhanced international collaboration is now seen as the top ranked benefit of internationalization in higher education globally. This reflects the dramatic rise in the importance accorded to international partnerships over the last 20 years. Despite this growth, we know relatively little about the international partnership landscape. The Institute of International Education is developing a survey instrument to address this knowledge gap – and this panel invites participants to help us shape it. This will be a highly interactive session, with participants adding their wisdom and experience to what the survey will ask and how it will be administered.

  • Sylvia Jons, Lead, IIE Initiatives and Manager of the IIE Center for International Partnerships
  • Susan Buck Sutton, Fellow, IIE Center for International Partnerships; Executive Committee, National Academy for International Education
  • Clare Overmann, Head, Higher Education Initiatives, and Director, Center for International Partnerships
  • Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation & Learning, Institute of International Education

The 10 Entry Points to Optimizing Global Mobility
Monday, February 19, 4:30 5:30pm EST

This session brings together SIOs, researchers, and industry leaders to candidly discuss the entry points and ways to broaden access to a U.S. undergraduate degree. Based on their forthcoming book on Entry Points on the Avenue of Global Mobility, presenters will cover topics to include a list of entry points, trends in mobility, credits and transfer, digital marketing and community engagement, strategic planning, cultural bias and microaggressions, and recruitment and retention strategies.

  • Jing Luan, Provost Emeritus of International Affairs of San Mateo County Community College District & Past President, AIRC
  • Julie Baer, Research and Learning Lead, Institute of International Education
  • Krishna Bista, Professor of Higher Education, Morgan State University
  • David L. Di Maria, Senior International Officer & Associate Vice Provost for International Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Andrew H. Chen, Founder and CEO, F1Hire and Co-Founder and CEO, WholeRen Education
  • Ben Waxman, CEO, Intead LLC

Building Sustainable Pathways for Refugee Access to Higher Education
Tuesday, February 20, 8:00 – 9:15am EST

Colleges and universities have a rich legacy of welcoming refugees, embracing the diversity of perspectives and backgrounds that newcomers bring to America. However, institutions have also faced challenges and uncertainty over how to enroll and support these students on their campuses. This session will outline the different ways that institutions can support students with refugee backgrounds, providing resources to better understand and engage in each one. A deep understanding of the opportunities and challenges by institutional leadership will be key to how institutions view themselves and their role in addressing the global refugee crisis.

  • Jessica Clarkson (Chair), Program Specialist, Student Emergency Initiatives at the Institute of International Education
  • Laura Wagner, Director of Refugee Student Initiatives at the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration
  • Rendy Schrader, Senior Director for International Student and Scholar Programming and Initiatives, Indiana University

International Education Priorities and Opportunities: Inspiring Global Engagement on Campus
Tuesday, February 20, 8:00 – 9:00am EST

This session presents concise seven-minute presentations by the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of State, Institute of International Education, Association of Community College Trustees, and NAFSA. Each organization will share its international education priorities, perspectives, and strategies, emphasizing key initiatives that foster global engagement and partnerships in the higher education sector, and beyond. This interactive session encourages dialogue among SIOs, sparking inspiration for innovative approaches to enhance institutional internationalization efforts.

  • Sylvia Jons (Chair), Lead, IIE Initiatives and Manager of the IIE Center for International Partnerships
  • Rafael Nevarez, Deputy Director of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Education
  • Heidi Manley, Chief of USA Study Abroad, U.S. Department of State
  • Lindsay Gee Calvert, Lead, IIENetwork and Director, IIE Center for International Opportunities
  • Dorothea J. Antonio, Deputy Executive Director, Knowledge Development, NAFSA
  • Robin Helms, Vice President for Membership and Educational Services, Association of Community College Trustees

Mental Health and Well-Being in International Education
Tuesday, February 20, 9:15 10:15am EST

Mental health and well-being are paramount in any student’s international education experience. This session brings together academic and non-profit leaders to discuss the importance of well-being support for students’ academic success and international education professionals’ critical role in supporting their mental health. It will share promising practices that support students’ and administrators’ mental health and well-being, providing a context for the challenges students are facing and recommendations for how best to support them.

  • Leah Mason, Deputy Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning, Institute of International Education
  • Kelly Holland, Vice President of Institutional Partnerships, AIFS Abroad
  • Dennis Galvan, Dean and Vice Provost of the Division of Global Engagement, University of Oregon
  • Gail Gibbs, Director of International Student and Scholar Office
  • Kurt Michael, Senior Clinical Director, JED Foundation

Recruit in Latin America! Tapping An Emergent Market for International Students
Tuesday, February 20, 9:15 – 10:15am EST

International student recruitment strategies can go beyond dominant places of origin and explore new horizons for recruitment. This panel will review trends in emerging international student markets in Latin America, looking at global student mobility data, prospective student data, and hearing from experts focusing on student mobility, partnerships, and recruitment in this region.

  • Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation & Learning, Institute of International Education
  • Ana Villavicencio, REAC, Latin America, EducationUSA
  • Stene Verhulst, Colorado State
  • Ahmad Ezzedine, Wayne State University

Recruit for Success? Diversify Your Strategy for International Undergraduates and Graduates
Tuesday, February 20, 1:00 – 2:00pm EST

This session will specifically focus on the different strategies for recruiting international undergraduate and graduate students. As the number of graduate students in the United States increases (Open Doors, 2023), it is important to consider the unique paths to outreach and recruitment by academic level. This panel will cover key data and recruitment priorities, and hear from SIOs leading recruitment across academic levels.

  • Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation & Learning, Institute of International Education
  • Vern Granger, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Connecticut
  • John Wilkerson, Interim Associate Vice President for International Services, Indiana University
  • Murphy Miller, Associate Director of Membership Experience, NACAC

AIEA Roundtable: Women’s Executive Professional Development in International Education
Tuesday, February 20, 3:15 – 4:15pm EST

  • Chair: Clare Overmann, Head, Higher Education Initiatives, and Director, Center for International Partnerships
  • Sarah Ilchman, Co-President, Institute of International Education

Learn, Leverage, and Lead: Strategic Considerations for the Future of Education Abroad
Wednesday, February 21, 10:15 – 11:15am EST

This session will provide a strategic overview of the education abroad field and insights that SIOs can leverage to expand and enhance programs. Panelists will assess the state of education abroad, including insights on the student profile, types of programs, and the realities facing current and future international educators. This assessment will be paired with a discussion on leveraging capacity-building programs, building programs that meet student needs amid shifting demographics, and balancing budgetary considerations.

  • Julie Baer, Research and Learning Lead, Institute of International Education
  • Heidi Manley, Chief, USA Study Abroad, U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
  • Amelia Dietrich, Senior Director for Research and Publications, The Forum on Education Abroad
  • Eduardo Contreras, Vice Provost for Global Engagement, Baylor University