WISE Summit

IIE is excited to attend WISE 11, “Creative Fluency: Human Flourishing in the Age of AI.” IIE’s delegation will engage in critical discussions and participate on panels to examine how higher education is advancing in tandem with developing technologies like artificial intelligence (AI).
The full IIE delegation to the WISE Summit includes:
- Jamal Alsayyed, Senior Director, Middle East Programs
- Jason Czyz, Co-President
- Jonah Kokodyniak, Senior Vice President for Program Development and Partner Services
- Charles Von Rosenberg, Lead, Corporate and Foundation Programs
Register here to attend the following sessions to dive into the latest developments in higher education with IIE leaders. Those unable to attend can join the conversation on this important topic by using #WISE11 and #WISESummit on social media.
Tuesday, Nov. 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Arabia Standard Time (AST)
“Artificial Intelligence and Access to Higher Education: The Role of AI in the Effort to Provide Inclusive, Equitable Access to Higher Education for the Most Marginalized”
Jonah Kokodyniak, SVP, will join this panel to examine Artificial Intelligence’s potential to revolutionize education, including access and inclusion for underserved youth. The panel will also delve into the ethical considerations of AI, and the potential it has to contribute to discrimination, inequality, and exclusion. Jonah Kokodyniak will be joined by representatives from the higher education and development sector, as well as affected youth, including Education Above All’s Qatar Scholarship beneficiaries, to discuss the intersection of AI and access to higher education for the most marginalized, including forcibly displaced populations, specifically the role of AI in application processes.
Tuesday, Nov. 28 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
“University Presidents’ Roundtable: Navigating the AI Transformation in Higher Education”
Co-President Jason Czyz participates in a roundtable to discuss how effective leadership can navigate the transformation, address challenges, and capitalize on the opportunities that AI presents to enhance teaching, research, and administration. Given that AI has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning, improve institutional efficiency, and enhance accessibility, higher education leadership must address the potential negative impacts including job displacement, privacy concerns, bias and fairness, over-reliance on technology, inequity, and ethical considerations, to mention some. These concerns must be addressed to ensure that technology enhances, rather than hinders, the quality and equity of higher education.
Wednesday, Nov. 29 from 10:30am to 11:45am AST
“Addressing Inclusivity and Access in Higher Education through Policy Development”
Charles Von Rosenberg, Lead of Corporate and Foundation Programs, joins higher education and qualification authorities from around the world at this policy round table to discuss current policies that drive an inclusive ecosystem which promotes inclusivity and access to higher education for the most marginalized, and areas for future development. This session will also showcase policy work around the recognition of qualifications for forcibly displaced populations.
Wednesday, Nov. 29 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm AST
“Higher Education and AI: Building Resilient Pedagogies”
In an age of rapid technological advancement and AI disruption, higher education institutions face the crucial task of aligning their strategies with the evolving needs of governments and industries. Co-President Jason Czyz joins this policy roundtable of experts from academia, government, and industry to address pressing questions at the intersection of education, workforce development, and AI technology.
The session will examine in what ways higher education can be adjusted to meet the ever-evolving demands of the job market, ensuring graduates possess the skills needed for workforce integration. It will also engage in a thoughtful discussion about the relevance and potential alternatives to traditional 4-year degree programs in a rapidly changing employment landscape.