Letters of Reference
Your application must include three letters of recommendation from instructors, professors or supervisors who know you and your work well. All letters are confidential and will not be shared with applicants.
Once you register your recommenders, they will receive an automatic email with instructions on completing the online recommendation form. You can track the status of recommendations, send reminders and add/delete recommenders through this system before and after submission of your application.
If your recommender is having any trouble with the system, he or she should email ATI@iie.org, and the program team will provide assistance.
Your recommender is asked to provide a 1-2 page letter answering the following questions:
- How long and in what capacity do you know the applicant?
- Please comment on the applicant’s educational and/or professional background, especially as they relate to the quality and feasibility of the applicant’s study/research plan. Please address the applicant’s likelihood to succeed in the program of study as well as in any future career goals.