Written by three leading study abroad experts—Stacie Nevadomski Berdan, Allan E. Goodman and Sir Cyril Taylor—A Student Guide to Study Abroad offers the most comprehensive advice available. This valuable resource is published by the Institute of International Education and the American Institute For Foreign Study.
- Before you go: Choosing a Program; Figuring Out the Financials; Preparing to Study Abroad
- While abroad: Immersing Yourself in the Culture; Personal Growth; Staying Safe and Healthy; Making the Most of Your Time Abroad
- When you return: Transitioning Back to Life in the States; Using Study Abroad to Showcase Your Global Growth and Learning

Read Excerpts from the Book
“I talk about my semester abroad during every one of my interviews. No matter if the job has an international aspect or not, employers are always fascinated to learn about what I have gained from such a culturally rich experience. It is imperative to leverage your experience in job interviews, especially if you spent time learning another language; it shows that you are both committed to a goal and are able to thrive in diverse environments.”
– Benjamin Pauker, George Washington University. Studied abroad in France.
“I’m a reader. I love the smell of a new book. The feel of ink on a page is one of my favorites. Few things make me happier than sitting down for an afternoon with a book and a warm cup of tea. When I got to Beijing, I set to the streets with a goal in mind—find somewhere in this new place that I could read. It was a way to explore the city, find the places I wouldn’t have found otherwise (like the fruit stand tucked down an alley, or a Chinese pancake food cart). But best of all, it left me with someplace I knew whenever things began to get too new or too unfamiliar during my first months.”
– Jeanette Miranda, Brown University. Spent a gap year in China.
“The beauty of studying abroad is gaining a broader understanding of other cultures. Having access to other people and building relationships with those people on their home turf enables one to think more creatively and flexibly necessary skills in today’s competitive work environment. If a student can bring that understanding and knowledge back to the U.S., the sky’s the limit!”
– Frank Abate, Division manager, JM&A Group