Young Women in Ethiopia Share Impact of IIE’s Higher Education Readiness Program in New Report

The Institute of International Education’s Higher Education Readiness program (HER) provides young women in secondary school from underserved communities with a pathway to university. HER provides 100 girls entering the 11th grade with scholarship support to help them complete their secondary education and equip them with the tools needed to continue on to university.
IIE has released their final report on HER’s second cohort. The “HER Impacts in School and Beyond” report maps the trajectories of 100 HER students who graduated from secondary school in 2016, capturing changes in their self-confidence, leadership skills, academics and other qualitative measures.
Program Results

Read impact reports documenting the progress of IIE’s Higher Education Readiness program (HER). Three impact reports have been published to date.
Mirka Martel
Head of Research, Evaluation and Learning