Welcome to IIE’s new Research & Insights page!

Mirka Martel

REL Team

Led by IIE’s Research, Evaluation & Learning (REL) Unit, our hope is to share insights into our research and evaluation activities, learnings from our work, and trends relevant to the international education field today. We hope you will enjoy our content and engage with us.

What’s ahead in 2022

At IIE, we understand the value of research and evaluation to inform international education and development issues. Our team has been busy at work planning for the coming year and here is just a sampling of what we are working on for you:

Making our research and insights available to you

Our focus is on research and evaluation work that has integrity while being action-oriented to move the needle forward. We are learning about effective ways to share our findings, from podcasts to data blogs, for an audience that needs answers fast. Our commitment is to explore new ways to data and findings, particularly through this page, and get you the information you need as quickly as possible.

Reflecting on our role as researchers and evaluators

Finally, we wouldn’t have the “L” in our name if we did not take some time to reflect on our own role in this work. This year, one of our goals as a team is to think more deeply about how we approach our work as researchers and evaluators, how we position ourselves in our work, and what we can do to better make our approaches, analyses, and insights inclusive. We hope to share some of these insights with you as well.

Please stay tuned for more information on our upcoming products and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Happy researching, evaluating, and learning in 2022!