Topic: International Fellowships and Scholarships

Weaving Journeys of Social Change and Impact: Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program

A Decade of Building Sustainable Academic Collaborations: The Legacy of the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program

20-Year Impact Study of Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

International Visitor Leadership Program

SRF Report

To Rescue Scholars is to Rescue the Future: 2023 Impact Update

Toward Sustainable Agricultural Pathways in Malawi

Sustained research through collaborations - Follow-on brief cover

CADFP Research Brief: Sustained Research through Collaborations

CADFP curriculum

CADFP: Building Capacity at African Universities Through Curricular Collaboration

Two women talking, wearing protective masks

CADFP: Strengthening Academic Networks in Africa and its Diaspora

The IFP University Partners: A Study of the Experiences of Alumni and Implementers

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