Emergency Student Fund Announced for Citizens of Caribbean Nations

IIE announces Emergency Student Fund for citizens of hurricane-devastated Caribbean nations enrolled in US degree programs 

Image: Hurricane damage

The Institute of International Education (IIE) is issuing a call to U.S. campuses to nominate  for emergency support up to 5 enrolled degree-seeking students who are citizens of Caribbean nations facing major financial difficulty as a result of the recent devastating hurricanes.  Applications must be submitted directly to IIE by an international adviser or similar university official; students may not apply directly. 

Completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. EDT on Monday, October 30, 2017. Notification of awards will be made by November 15th.  

One-time awards of US$6,000 will be provided for selected students pursuing BA or MA degrees, and US$3,000 for selected students pursuing AA degrees.  Each institution may nominate up to 5 eligible students.  U.S. host institutions nominating students will be expected to provide some form of matching assistance such as housing, meal plans, on-campus employment, or tuition waivers. 

The combined help of IIE and the U.S. host institutions enables these students to continue making progress towards their degrees, rather than having to return home prematurely. To fill out a nomination form and application, please click on this link.Those nominating more than one student should indicate priority order for consideration.

Fill Out a Nomination Form Here 


IIE appreciates the efforts of all U.S. host institutions which are providing help to students from the Caribbean affected by the hurricanes, and we wish these students every success in their academic programs during this difficult time.   

For more information, see the website or send your questions to esf@iie.org 


Public Affairs