Award Recipients 2014
Crowdsourcing Water Quality: Using Mobile Technology to Monitor Access of Safe Drinking Water
Georgia Institute of Technology (U.S.), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK), and National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (India)
Transforming Arsenic and Fluoride Crisis into an Economic Enterprise
Lehigh University (U.S.), Queen’s University Belfast (UK), and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India)
Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia
Northern Arizona University (U.S.), Aberystwyth University (UK), and University of Mataram (Indonesia)
Increasing Global Food Security by Controlling the Dissemination of Antibiotic Resistance
Ohio State University (U.S.), Queen’s University Belfast (UK), and Fudan University (China)
Increasing Energy Efficiency Using Rapid Smart Grids
Purdue University (U.S.), De Montfort University (UK), and São Paulo State University (Brazil)
The Impact of Outdoor Air Pollution on Indoor Air Quality in China
Rutgers University (U.S.), University of Reading (UK), and Chongqing University (China)
Reducing Carbon Emissions through a Hydrogen Economy
University of California Davis (U.S.), Oxford University (UK), and Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (China)
Salt Intrusion into Estuaries Related to Global Climate Change
University of Florida (U.S.), University of Liverpool (UK), and Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil)
Improving Environment Impacts of Cattle Farming in Brazil
University of Michigan (U.S.), Oxford University (UK), and University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Aquaculture Carrying Capacity and Water Quality in Indonesian Lakes and Reservoirs
University of Rhode Island (U.S.), University of Stirling (UK), and Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia)