Lockheed Martin International Scholarship Program
The Lockheed Martin International Scholarship Program annually provides an opportunity for children of Lockheed Martin’s non-U.S. employees to pursue studies leading to a first university degree (equivalent to the baccalaureate degree in the United States).
Children of Lockheed Martin employees, employed full-time outside the United States, are eligible for this program. Eligible employees include anyone who is employed in active service with Lockheed Martin for at least two years as of January 1st of the award year. The children of disabled, retired or deceased employees are also eligible. The disabled employee must have been a full-time employee for two years prior to the date he or she was placed on disability. The deceased employee must have been deceased for no more than two years prior to January 1st of the award year, and must have been on active payroll for a total of at least two years.
Lockheed Martin International Scholarships will be made in the amount of up to $3,000 per year as determined by IIE, renewable for up to four years (within a span of six-years of full-time study) leading to a basic university degree. Support will not be provided for study leading to a higher degree program.
Candidates must be completing secondary school in the year in which they apply. Students may pursue studies in any country, including the United States, at an institution to which they have been accepted.
The Lockheed Martin International Scholarship Program is not currently accepting new applications.
For the most up-to-date information on scholarship programs available to children of Lockheed Martin employees, check with your regional human resources representative.