Dow Jones International Scholarship Program
The Dow Jones International Scholarship Program annually provided the opportunity for children of Dow Jones’ non-US citizen employees or children of U.S. citizen employees who wished to study outside the United States to pursue studies leading to a first university degree (equivalent to a baccalaureate degree in the United States).
Eligible employees included anyone who was employed in active service with Dow Jones & Co., Inc. as of March 1, in the scholarship award year. The children of disabled, retired or deceased employees were also eligible.
Students could pursue studies in any country, including the United States, in which they have been accepted into an undergraduate academic program. Awards were renewable for up to four years of full-time study leading to a basic university degree, or completion of degree requirements, whichever was earlier. The awards amount varied between $2,000 and $5,000 per year depending on the cost of studying at the host institution / location and the financial need of applicants.
Recipients of the National Merit or Dow Jones Scholarships were not eligible for Dow Jones International Scholarships, unless a recipient of the National Merit Scholarship was unable to utilize their award due to a change in location of their study program. In this case, IIE could review application documentation in order to determine if the applicant was eligible for a Dow Jones International Scholarship. Support was not provided for study leading to higher degrees.
IIE is not currently accepting new applications to the Dow Jones International Scholarship Program. For the most up-to-date information on scholarship programs available to children of Dow Jones employees, check with your regional human resources representative.