Study Publications
Study Publications | Between Two Worlds: A Podcast Series | Issue Briefs | Other IFP Related Publications
Weaving Journeys of Social Change and Impact: Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program
Released in May 2023, Weaving Journeys of Social Change and Impact: Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program, explores what was learned from IFP’s impact and the research process of measuring global leadership and social change.
IFP University Partners: A Study of the Experiences of Alumni and Implementers
Released in December 2021, IFP University Partners: A Study of the Experiences of Alumni and Implementers, explores the relationship between the Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) and universities that hosted a large number of IFP Fellows (University Partners). If you wish to read the report two-pager, click here.
International Higher Education Scholarships and Fellowships for Social Justice: The Role of Foundations
Released in April 2021, International Higher Education Scholarships and Fellowships for Social Justice: The Role of Foundations, explores philanthropy’s role in funding international scholarship and fellowship programs committed to reducing long-standing disparities in higher education.
Leveraging Higher Education to Promote Social Justice: Evidence from the IFP Alumni Tracking Study
Released in March 2019, Leveraging Higher Education to Promote Social Justice: Evidence from the IFP Alumni Tracking Study, demonstrates how higher education is crucial to enabling leaders from disadvantaged communities around the world to confront social injustices and support their communities.
Transformational Leaders and Social Change: IFP Impacts in Africa and the Middle East
Released in September 2018, Transformational Leaders and Social Change provides important insights into the personal, organizational, community, and societal impacts of IFP alumni in Kenya, Nigeria, Palestine, and South Africa, drawing from the perspectives of 361 IFP alumni and local stakeholders.
Leaders, Contexts, and Complexities: IFP Impacts in Latin America
Released in November 2017, Leaders, Contexts, and Complexities provides an in-depth look at the lives and careers of IFP alumni in three Latin American countries: Brazil, Guatemala, and Mexico. Drawing on interviews and focus groups with 268 alumni and other stakeholders, the fieldwork paints a complex picture that highlights the opportunities of the IFP experience against the challenges posed by local social and political realities.
Social Justice Leaders in Action: IFP Impacts in Asia
Released in March 2017, Social Justice Leaders in Action shares the results of IIE’s qualitative fieldwork in India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Drawing upon focus groups and interviews with 274 IFP alumni and community stakeholders, this qualitative research highlights the stories behind the numbers shared in the study’s first report. Findings from this report provide insights not only about how life-altering IFP was at an individual level, but how that transformative power extends through alumni to their organizations, communities, and societies.
Social Justice and Sustainable Change: The Impacts of Higher Education
Released in April 2016, Social Justice and Sustainable Change yields the first results from our 10-year impact study. Based on survey responses from 1,861 IFP alumni, the report shows that funding the post-graduate academic pursuits of emerging social justice leaders from marginalized groups leads to significant, measurable benefits for communities and organizations in their countries and throughout the world.
Between Two Worlds: A Podcast Series
Released over the course of 2021, Between Two Worlds is a multi-episode podcast series that explores the lives of IFP alumni who have chosen to live outside of their country of origin, assessing the links these alumni maintain with their home countries, and the social justice impact they continue to have.
Issue Briefs
The IFP Alumni Tracking Study Issue Brief Series explores thematic issues related to IFP and its alumni, including social justice, leadership, community development, equity in education, and economic development. The series is meant to examine IFP through various research and analytical lenses and provide scholars, practitioners, and the IFP community with points of discussion and debate.
Other IFP Related Publications
Over the course of the IFP Alumni Tracking Study, many different publications have been made surrounding the study. From articles to opinion pieces, written by media sources as well as members of the IFP team, this extensive list gives a broader view into the study’s goals and findings.