Study Abroad Resources
The Generation Study Abroad resource hub is a compilation of IIE’s study abroad guides, tools, and expertise to support continued efforts to increase and diversify study abroad participation. These resources are divided into collections for students, parents, and educators. Each resource has a brief description and guidance on usage.
IIEPassport is an online directory of study abroad programs to help you find options that fit your interests and goals. Searchable by country, term, subject, and teaching language, the directory lists program information and contact so you can get started on your study abroad journey. Visit Passport at the link.
IIE-Administered Programs and Funding Opportunities
IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year, over 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities – searchable by home location, study topic, and destination.
A Student Guide to Study Abroad
Available in print & e-book, this guide offers practical instructions, easy tips, and real-life stories to help you navigate study abroad. Each chapter features useful quotes and anecdotes from a diverse collection of students, advisers, and professionals from across the country.
A Parent Guide to Study Abroad
This guide helps provide parents with critical information needed to inform themselves and help support their high school or college student as they navigate the study abroad experience. Packed with practical information written specifically for parents, the authors explain how parental involvement can influence and shape a successful cross-cultural experience. This book is available in both English and Spanish languages and in print, e-book, and digital format.
Study abroad helps develop key 21st century job skills, and this short paper can help you learn what employers are looking for and how to plan your study abroad experience to grow these skills. In addition, learn how to talk about your study abroad experience to employers to advance your career.
Who’s Counting? Understanding the Landscape of Graduate Learning Overseas
This survey found that more U.S. graduate students are choosing to study abroad as part of their advanced degrees and helps paint a clearer picture of the graduate-level study abroad landscape. Learn more about which graduate students are studying abroad and what types of programs they are choosing. In addition to the report, a companion webinar recording is available.
A Parent Guide to Study Abroad
This guide helps provide parents with critical information needed to inform themselves and help support their high school or college student as they navigate the study abroad experience. Packed with practical information written specifically for parents, the authors explain how parental involvement can influence and shape a successful cross-cultural experience. This book is available in both English and Spanish languages and in print, e-book, and digital formats.
IIEPassport is an online directory of study abroad programs to help you and your student learn about the variety of programs available. Searchable by country, term, subject, and teaching language, the directory lists program information, contacts, and application timeline.
IIE-Administered Programs and Funding Opportunities
IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year, more than 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities – searchable by home location, study topic, and destination.
A Student Guide to Study Abroad
Available in print & e-book, this guide offers practical information, easy tips, and real-life stories to demystify the study abroad experience. Each chapter features useful quotes and anecdotes from a diverse collection of students, advisers, and professionals from across the country.
Study Abroad Matters: Linking Higher Ed to the Contemporary Workforce through International Experience
Study abroad helps develop key 21st century job skills, and this short paper outlines which skills employers value and how intentionally planning study abroad experience to grow these skills make a difference. It also outlines how graduates can better articulate the value of their international experience for the current job market.
Gaining an Employment Edge – The Impact of Study Abroad
This study looked at the 15 soft and hard skills most desired by employers and surveyed over 4,500 U.S. college and university alumni about the link between these skills and study abroad. The data showed that study abroad contributes to the development of transferrable skills and positive employment gains.
Through the IIE American Passport Project, IIE makes grants to U.S. colleges and universities in the IIENetwork so they can help Pell-eligible, first-year students obtain a U.S. passport. Each cycle, IIE will select 40 eligible U.S. institutions to receive the grant to support 25 students from their campus.
IIE-Administered Programs and Funding Opportunities
IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year alone, more than 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities – searchable by home location, study topic, and destination.
IIEPassport is an online directory to help students explore options and where you can list your own programs. Searchable by country, term, subject, and teaching language, the directory lists program and contact information. To add or update a listing, click here.
The Open Doors 2021 data release recording helps provide important context and analysis of the most recent study abroad mobility data. In addition, this page contains the key findings, fast facts, and data visualization highlights.
A Student Guide to Study Abroad
Available in print & e-book, this guide offers practical information, easy tips, and real-life stories to help students think about and prepare for study abroad. Each chapter features useful quotes and anecdotes from a diverse collection of students, advisers, and professionals from across the country.
A Parent Guide to Study Abroad
Packed with practical information written specifically for parents, the authors make a strong case for the importance of parental involvement and support in study abroad. The guide is available in print, e-book and digital formats, in English and Spanish to help you reach more parents.
Supporting First-Generation Students to Study Abroad
This paper describes the landscape of study abroad programming designed for first-generation college students. It will then provide an overview of considerations for access to study abroad specific to first-generation students and relevant outcomes. Finally, it will present promising practices and examples from U.S. higher education institutions and study abroad programs to enhance pathways to access study abroad opportunities for first-generation students.
Gaining an Employment Edge – The Impact of Study Abroad
This study looked at the 15 soft and hard skills most desired by employers and surveyed over 4,500 U.S. college and university alumni about the link between these skills and study abroad. The data showed that study abroad contributes to the development of transferrable skills and positive employment gains, with the impact varying according to program characteristics, study destinations, and the students’ goals. The survey looked at what specific features of study abroad programs contribute to career success, in order to help educators better develop programs that prepare students for the global workforce.
This white paper from IIE and the AIFS Foundation, synthesizes leading-edge research to demonstrate that in this globalized era, study abroad has become one of the most powerful ways to prove to employers that graduates have in-demand skills for the contemporary workplace. It outlines best practices for higher education institutions, industry, and graduates to better articulate the value of study abroad.
The Rise of Remote Global Internships: Promising Practices and the Implications for Career Readiness
This paper provides insight into the role of remote global internships in providing experiential educational opportunities for university students and the potential role these internships have in developing students’ skills acquisition, global citizenship, and career readiness. Through an analysis of recent findings from global internship program providers as well as others, it describes promising practices for supporting remote global internships applicable to all members of the international education community.
Who’s Counting? Understanding the Landscape of Graduate Learning Overseas
The results from this survey paint a clearer picture of the graduate-level study abroad landscape and demonstrate the need for institutions to build capacity to collect graduate student mobility data to support graduate students’ needs. In addition, it aims to help researchers better serve the international education field by both improving data collection practices and developing resources for institutions. In addition to the report, a companion webinar recording is available.
The Consortium for Analysis of Student Success through International Education (CASSIE) collected extensive student-level data from 36 U.S. institutions to address critical questions about the impact of international education. Containing analyses relevant to many different international education program models, these findings could lead study abroad providers and funders alike to consider new and exciting ways to promote, improve, and leverage program designs, outreach and recruitment, application review and selection, advising, data collection and reporting, and more.
Underrepresented Students in US Study Abroad: Investigating Impact
This report synthesizes existing research on the association of study abroad with positive academic outcomes for students who are historically underrepresented in study abroad, with the goal of ultimately helping enhance pathways of access to study abroad for all students.
Broadening Opportunities for Study Abroad: U.S. Government Funded Scholarship Programs
This paper explores U.S. government scholarship opportunities, highlighting different sponsoring agencies. Case studies presented in this paper demonstrate the contributions of U.S. government scholarship programs to study abroad and the international experiences of U.S. students.
Faculty and Education Abroad: The Role of Faculty in Promoting Global Learning on U.S. Campuses
This white paper from IIE and the AIFS Foundation investigates the link between faculty and education abroad—and specific examples of institutions that have made considerable progress in expanding access to global learning and education abroad opportunities on campus— to shed light on opportunities and challenges that faculty face when engaging with education abroad, both as campus champions and leaders. Building off the white paper, a companion webinar recording is available, in which panelists discuss how faculty-led programs are more accessible and approachable for underrepresented students. The panel has a dynamic discussion on addressing faculty development and motivation and program development.
More Essential than Ever: The Case For International Education, Webinar Recording
Authors from the Fall 2020 IIENetworker magazine discuss how our members were adapting to COVID-19 and continuing to make the case for internationalization. Authors presented how remote exchange is opening new avenues for accessibility, how an existing partner program pivoted to virtual, and how to reimagine SIO leadership approaches in the post-COVID era. Note: this is only available for current IIENetwork members.
Inclusive by Design, Webinar Recording
Experts from IIE’s Research, Evaluation, and Learning team presented how to design surveys to promote inclusivity in international exchange. The webinar breaks down how to ask students questions about identity, experiences, and struggles related to study abroad.
Design Thinking for the Future of International Education, Webinar Recording
This IIENetwork Engagement Webinar explored the design thinking principles and applicability to international education administration and program development, with consideration of how we can innovate and shape the future of international education. Note: this is only available for current IIENetwork members.
Reaching Your Generation Study Abroad Commitment, Key Takeaways
Read the key takeaways from institutions who were able to reach their GSA goals to increase and diversify study abroad on their campuses. This document provides tips and practical advice on how to get started and succeed in expanding study abroad.
What Will it Take to Double Study Abroad?
This green paper resulted from a study abroad think tank, where professionals from higher education, NGOs, associations, non-profits, government and the private sector came together to brainstorm ideas surrounding increasing study abroad. The ideas and actions proposed by the think tank range from technical solutions to proposing radical change.
Scaling for Systemic Change: Capacity Building for Online Courses and Learning
In this webinar, experts addressed the institutional challenges of transitioning programs online effectively from faculty and instructional designers to student engagement and support, technology and quality assurance. Note: this is only available for current IIENetwork members.
Community College Specific Resources:
This webinar shared best practices in understanding Open Doors trends of student mobility at community colleges and how data could be used to advocate for international education programming on campus. The takeaway present data for both study abroad and international students at community colleges.
Research Roundtable: International Students at Community Colleges.
IIE, CCID, and AACC joined for a roundtable discussion about the landscape of international student mobility at community colleges. Discussion topics included an overview of national trends in the profile of students attending community colleges, how community colleges are supporting international students, and how community colleges are continuing to recruit and engage with international students. Note: this is only available for current IIENetwork members.