IIE American Passport Project

About the IIE American Passport Project
Annually, IIE will make grants to U.S. colleges and universities in the IIENetwork so they can help U.S. students obtain a U.S. passport.
It has long been part of IIE’s mission to create access to opportunities in international education, so that all students can gain the academic and career benefits of international experiences. The grant is intended to remove a common barrier that prevents students from even considering participating in study abroad.
In addition, IIE aims to support the IIENetwork members with their efforts to encourage students to go abroad who would otherwise not participate in an international experience as part of their college education. The program prioritizes students in their first year at the institution and those that have not yet received a U.S. passport, thereby students have ample time to receive their passport along with help from their advisors to map out a study abroad plan.
IIE will select U.S.-based IIENetwork member institutions to receive the grant to support up to 25 students from their campus, seeking to support a variety of institutions.

The IIE American Passport Project application is open until February 28, 2025, 6:00 pm EST.
For program questions, contact IIEPassport@iie.org.
For questions about the IIENetwork and membership status, contact membership@iie.org.
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IIE American Passport Project Receives International Recognition

The IIE American Passport Project received the 2023 AAUA Khaladjan International Award for Innovation in Higher Education. The project was selected among several international and U.S.-based initiatives in recognition of its inventive approach to widening access to education.